From unfinished to elegant

Framing and installing paintings in our customers homes! Using a floater frame around your canvas can really make your space look completed and sophisticated. Next up for this room is framing the canvas on right in that first photo! Stay turned!

Malachi House II

This weekend the Malichi House II held their 8th annual silent auction. We donated one of our reclaimed wooden frames and we had the pleasure of attending the event Friday night! 

It was incredible to hear the mens stories and see how far they come. The frame was one of our best yet! How could we benefit your organization or space?


Facebook Page!

Hey everyone!

I hope you all are staying dry out there in that crazy weather were having in Greensboro! One good thing to do while your staying in home all bundled up on the couch... is check out our Facebook page! We've posted something new that is a big part of our business, we not only frame custom art work but we also will hang it for you personally. If you need a photos, art work or even mirrors hung in your home or office, give us a call! Check out this Facebook post from today to see one of our most recent jobs!


Key West

We've been working on some more new projects! One of our loyal customers trusted us the challenge of framing some prints from Key West they bought while on vacation. We were given total freedom and came up with these reclaimed wooden frames which bring out some of the earthy hints shown in the paintings! They will be a perfect addition to their office!

What do you all think? 



We have lots going on this year starting with these scraps of wood turning these "scraps" of wood below into the finished frame to the right! 


There are so many new projects and this frame above is just one of them! Below are some photos of our most recent works!